With computerized product management, RFID chips and a barcode system provide increased visibility that can substantially improve your supply chain efficiency by detecting any order anomalies as they occur - enabling employees to immediately correct mistakes and reduce errors. For example, RFID chips or barcodes can be placed on every product, which gives your company a way to easily track inventory.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, barcodes and scanners are vital pieces of equipment that can provide innumerable benefits to your business. In order to service customers, you need real-time inventory data at your fingertips that is accurate and actionable, no matter where the part is located worldwide. Here’s how tech and platforms designed for the supply chain can provide your company with a more stable and efficient supply chain that enhances customer satisfaction and retention. The right service supply chain technology enables your company to create greater visibility within your supply chain, gain more control over your inventory, reduce operating costs, and, ultimately, outpace the competition. That’s why it’s imperative for companies to continually innovate and streamline their supply chain, and software likely provides the greatest bang for the buck. Today’s competitive marketplace means there’s less room for inefficiency, but the good news is supply chain technology can simplify and optimize your business processes.